Aluminum Pole Kit for Feather Flags
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Questions and answers of the customers
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A Ground stake allow for easy install by being able to hammer or twist it into a grass/dirt location. Drill spikes will require you to create a hole for it to drop into. It is good for long term use and it also sits flush with the ground, if installed properly. It does require more work to install.
A The poles would need to be telescoped for the thickest up to the thinnest piece, with the dimples or bushels on top when telescoping the poles. Dimples/Bushels will stop the poles at the correct location.
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A They are the same. The 8ft feather flag kits come with flexible pole tips only. They are not available in the full aluminum style.
A You can choose the pole size from the drop down on this page. Kits will come with a few pieces that telescope together to make one large piece.