The Rave Blog

When gearing up for any long weekend event, it is important that you think about anything necessary you might need. It can be anything really. You know the typical important things one might need.  Like a water pack for hydration, sun screen or maybe you just need the perfect outfit to enjoy yourself.  Whatever it might be that you need for a successful day; just make sure to stand out while being prepared. We know planning a head can make your experience all the more enjoyable and stress free. We also know keeping up with the current trends can be important to many as well. So Feather Flag Nation has made a point to stay updated on the latest trends so that way you can prepare in advance without having to worry about staying in trend. So check out our favorite rave totems other products we think you might like!

How do flag fit in raves?

If you know anything about raves, you know they are as fun as they are hectic. Everyone there is feeling the same energy of the music as you are. Combined with a large crowd, raves call for special items to keep track of your friend group!  In fact, any fellow raver can tell you, totems are the best way to keep your friends coming back to you and we feel like our standard flags make great totems for any outdoor event.  We know they can help you stand out in the crowd or even get noticed by your favorite DJ! Especially with large events, it’s important to know where anyone is. We even have hardware you might find useful, that’s if you don’t already have a favorite pole kit on hand. You can use our standard flags as totems for all to see or even as a way to elevate your outfit.  We can either create something unique to you with a custom standard flag or you can have your pick from our collection of meme flags you can pick from. Those are set as predesigns so you can skip the design process and hop right into the production time. Whatever flag need you might have, make sure to check out our website. We promise you will not be disappointed.

If we didn’t mention it before, we have a great selection of meme flags we think you might like too. We can see you using them as magical capes or like we mentioned as fun totems. If that doesn’t convince you, we also have other cool items you can use to stand out in the crowd. We also carry backpack flags with hardware where you can carry your flag around without hassle! Just check on the event restriction before committing to anything, only our suggestion.  Whatever you decide you want to stand out with, Feather Flag Nation has your back.  Whether you are a vendor or a raver, we have something for you.

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